
Showing posts from May, 2024

Research Conclusion

 Music Video Plan: 1) My Music Video will be of the Rock Genre. The story will follow two people, who are meeting up to do a spiritual ritual. 2) I will follow the genre conventions of a rock music video, containing a mix of performance and narrative. The song I have chosen is a bit more slower paced than some rock songs, so i will conform to genre conventions by editing to the pace of the song. The video will be more naturalistic, with both hand held and fixed camerawork with slower movements. I will conform to genre conventions by having my story be about a ritual. 3) The audience are 16-25 year olds who are obsessed with rock music. They can be of any gender. My audience will access music through a wide range of methods, such as streaming or buying CDs/Vinyls. Through repeating codes & conventions of a rock video, risk is reduced because the audience will like it because it fits what they are used to seeing. 4) My product will fit the core values of UMG, showing artistry through